Sunday, January 9, 2011

Wow, Its Been Months!

Sorry to anyone who checks up on this blog, but I've gotten into Tumblr quite a bit and kinda just dropped updating this blog. However, I feel the need to write a long blog right now and this is the best place to let my thoughts flow.
So this afternoon, in a few hours actually I suppose.... I'm leaving for the airport to go back to school. Remember all my old blogs about how much i LOVE uncc? Well, things have changed, either that I have. I mean I still love the school, but things seem soooo different from last year. I feel like I'm in more, and when I'm not in idk... I feel like I'm not being me 100% around some of the people I hang out with. Also, this last semester there were more parties, and idk... drama? I mean I was never involved with any drama per se, but it was all close around me and i cannot stand that caddy stuff. I suppose I also kinda feel like my first semester there I was just a fill in for my friend natalie. We hung out a lot last spring and were really close, but this semester with katlyn here we just kinda dont, unless I like text both of them and see what they are both doing and they both agree to hang out. I guess id just kinda like it if once and a while one of them would text me and see what im doing and if i wanted to hang out or get off campus, instead of just hearing stories and them saying, "oh my god you should have been there!" Well I could have been if one of yall called or texted me. Also, I feel like most of this past semester I was just seen as a person to get answers from. Katlyn would text me for my math notebook, and natalie and i would chill when we had stuff to do for our SPED class. I also get treated like a little innocent baby when I DO hang out with them, which sucks too.
Now I know it sounds like im just ragging on them, but i mean i love em both. They are good friends, but like i said, things have changed or I did. I cannot wait for this semester to be over and for me to be back home again. Then next semester, go to FARMINGTON!! Although, being accepted into the school first would help huh? Haha, ugh idk... it all just kinda hit me this semester, how much i LOVE maine and all the people i know here. I love freezing in the winter, sweating to death in the summer, random trips to OOB and the old port, late nights of the randomest things, movies with my sis, cooking for the fam, spending time with jimbo, watching spongebob, and all that kinda stuff.
Yeah... I gotta go pack now. Thanks for reading? Haha.


Wednesday, July 21, 2010

One Night Camp Trip

Soo last night I went camping with a friend, her sister and her sisters husband. It was an hour drive from here and its was like a completely secluded and kinda sketch. However, the inside was verrrry rustic and adorable. Or so I thought, until a freaking snake comes hanging down from one of the rafters all shiney and slithery. Kelly [my friend] and her sister ran towards the door screaming and actually her sister ran out of the cabin. I just kinda sat there, in shock. I wasnt really scared I was just like creeped out. The only guy there, [the husband], takes a machete and chops the snake down, cutting its head nearly off in the process. It took a while for kellys sister to come back in once the snake was all gone and taken care of but she did come back in. Then to pass time, we played skip-bo, scrabble, and skat. Once it came time for bed, kristen and her husband slept in the rover and kelly and i shared a bed, still slightly terrified that a snake could be somewhere even though we checked the whole entire place like three times. We ended up falling asleep around 3am and woke up at 7am. Once we got all of our stuff together we headed out to go do the zip line and a thing call the "flying squirrel". To get there, Dave thought we should take a shortcut. Well the one we took ended up being more of a long cut. It was a tiny dirt road that was not in as good of shape as it had been when he'd taken it before. We were driving over big rocks, a bunch of uneven ground, and the rover was getting hit with a bunch of branches. At one point we thought a tire had popped because we smelt burning rubber and it kept making really bad sounding sounds. He figured out that it was that the suspension was too low and fix it and we continued to drive. Then we come up on the HUGE mud puddle... but it was more just mud and less puddle. If we had gotten stuck there would have been no way to get out other then to push pretty much. So we drove through it peddle to the metal and swerved our way out. It was pretty fantastic but it got the truck quite dirty. hah. After that we made if back to tar and drove to the school where the activities were. We drove to this little storage house and got our harnesses and helmets than Dave and Kristen showed us how to climb up the tree and get on to the platform for the zip line. I'm dead scared of heights but I wanted to do it because i knew if i didnt id regret it. So kristen went then kelly and then it was supposed to be me. However when kelly went down she unhitched the wrong clip and was dangling by her safety line. [the opening photo]. Kristen and I had to pull her rope so she'd go back up the line, in the process i fell into some rocks but was fine. Then like 4/5 of the way there we tied a second rope onto kelly and i had to climb the tree and bring the rope to dave so he could help fix her and pull her up. While climbing the tree i dropped the rope and had to wait midway up for kristen to climb it and hand it to me so i could hand it to dave. Then I got on the platform and didnt let go of the tree until kelly made it back down the line and brought the rope back for me to be hitched up to. Dave got me hitched up all safe and then I just went for it. It was a lot less scary then i thought it would be, but it also takes a lot more strength than i thought i would too. I couldnt loosen my rope at the bottom for me to get down so kelly and kristen had to come hold my rope and i had to use two hands. it was terrifying. i finially got down and then walked back to the top of the hill and then kristen kelly and dave did this thing called the flying squirrel. it was like 100 feet in the air and i just wasnt down for that. after all that fun we came home. anddd yea, i had more fun then i could have ever imagined!
<3 Amberrrr

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Oh Hey, July!

I know I've never really been a regular blogger on here any way, but I have a new addiction that takes even more time away from this lovely blog site. TUMBLR! Honestly, i could use some rehab for it hah. I am constantly looking for pictures of my favorite celebs and crap like that but, idk its nice to let my inner obsessed person out lol. Anyway, lets open up my mind a bit and see what we can find out.
I just looked up when exactly i am supposed to be moving back into my dorm and the date is August 20th. Id like to say I can wait, but I am actually really excited to get back to school and do work/live on my own? Yeahhh i'm missin' school and the 704 hardcore lately. Im just ready to be back.
Other news? Ricky will be on US soil this weekend. Im so happy hes coming home, its going to be like a billion pounds lifted off my whole family's shoulders. And then in August he will be here, like at home. I'm pumped.
Also, Friday I slammed my left middle finger in a car door. My nail is falling off and it feels awkward when i type with it so I apologize for all the typos i am sure im making.
Okay, now the real reason I had the urge to blog.... I WANT TO GET MARRIED!
Like really? WTF? I'm only 19, and on top of that IM NOT EVEN DATING ANYONE! I dont know why but lately all that is on my mind is settling down with a nice guy and building a life with him. I am excited for the dating that leads to a spontaneous and romantic engagement and then a wedding that i'll never forget and then buying a nice little place together and then poppin out kids to raise in the house and them growing up there and making their own memories and gahhhh! Like i honestly have no idea where all this came from but I WANT IT SOON! Alright well... I think I should most likely sleep now. I've had a long and exhausting day.

Peace Out Blogspot!
<3 Amber

Monday, June 14, 2010

One Month Later.

Hey Blog World.
So if you have been keeping up with my posts, you may have taken note that i have been home for a month now. And maybe you're wondering, hows home? do you miss school? are you going back? what have you done in a month? is it still an annoying place? Well... I can answer most of those questions, or at least i can try.
Home is and will always be my favorite place on Earth, however NO ONE should stay at home forever. I love it here, but I don't love being here 24/7. I feel like i have no freedom when I'm home and freedom is something all young people should embrace. We need to live and learn, make mistakes and succeed on our own. Thats extremely hard to do when you're stuck at home most days of the week, hanging out on a laptop. And of course i miss school. Not just being in school and taking classes, but i miss my friends, the campus, Charlotte in general. I can't go to Concord Mills here. I can't get Bojangles. I can't ride around in paco and take random weekend trips to Lexington. I can't just lay down if i don't want to do anything. I cant even schedule my own day. Everything depends on everyone else. Its extremely hard to go from asking to do everything, to being your own person and doing whatever you want, then back to asking to do everything. I am 100% looking forward to this fall. I cannot wait to be back there. However, more not so swell news. I am not one of those kids whose parents can just pay for everything. I need financial aid and a crap ton of loans if i want to get back there. On top of that... all of this money has to be in by August 18th. I have no idea how this is going to work. My biggest fear is not being able to go back to school. I love home and everyone here so much, but I know that North Carolina is where I need to be if i ever want to have a career and grow into an adult.
Conflicting and stressful feelings aside... this month has been alright. I've gotten to go out with my friends just about every night. However that in itself has been annoying. Not hanging out with my friends, just the process of making plans and someone always claiming to not care and then make a big deal of things and make everyone else annoyed or angry. No names will be named but if you know who i am and youre reading this your most likely know who and what things im talking about. Aside from friends, ive gotten to hang out with my sister a lot, and my brother Jimmy graduated! I start work back at my old job Friday, so i'll be making some money to save for the fall. And thats basically my month in a nutshell.
I think i answered all of the hypothetical questions i created, but if youre reading this and you have any more, PLEASE ask in a comment. I like to know people have read this and I also like to know what people think. I suppose I should go search the net for scholarships and loans now. Until next post America!


Thursday, May 6, 2010

In My Life

So I know I just wrote a post yesterday, but it got sloppy and off topic towards the end, my apologies. I have been sitting in my room, on my bed since 2pm listening to In My Life by The Beatles. I think it is safe to say, I'm completely and utterly in love with this song. The way it sounds, their voices, the mood, and mainly the lyrics. It's just so easy to relate to and I don't know, I just can't stop listening to it. If you have never heard this song, it's in my playlist on this website. I highly recommend listening to it at least once. And if you have heard it, would you agree with me about its beauty? It just makes me think of all memories and friends from the past and kind of appreciate all the things I've done even though I've only been on this earth for 19 short years. I've had the pleasure of meeting so many different people, some that I've grown to love... others that I could be content with never seeing again. I've been to like half or more than half of the Untied States, most of which when I was younger and this really helped to me get an understanding of people outside of just my home. I don't know, I am just thankful for every memory I have with every person/place/thing I have one with, good or bad. I guess this song just kind of helps me appreciate life for what it is. And of course... here are the lyrics:
There are places I remember
All my life though some have changed
Some forever not for better
Some have gone and some remain
All these places had their moments
With lovers and friends I still can recall
Some are dead and some are living
In my life I've loved them all

But of all these friends and lovers
There is no one compares with you
And these memories lose their meaning
When I think of love as something new
Though I know I'll never lose affection
For people and things that went before
I know I'll often stop and think about them
In my life I love you more

Though I know I'll never lose affection
For people and things that went before
I know I'll often stop and think about them
In my life I love you more
In my life I love you more

So there they are, please take a listen and let me know if it has any sort of the same effect on you... or what kind effect if any it has that may be different.
As always, thanks for reading my thoughts :]


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Fool, you trippin.

As I write this, only 10 days separate me from returning home. Now i know if you have read previous blog posts, home didn't seem to be the happiest place on earth, but its still home and i love it with all of my heart. I miss my family and friends oh so much and I cannot wait to be reunited!
I haven't technically started finals yet. I had my last math test monday but since it was an 0900 class we got to take our final early in case we failed and needed to take it on the real final day. Thankfully i passed that.
On friday I have both my intro to education final, and my western culture final. Then on monday [5/10] i have my Music: Arts and Society final, and on thursday [5/13] i have my English final then I move out that friday[5/14] and head home that saturday[5/15]!
I am so excited, but at the same time, now i am going to be missing other friends too. I have met some really great people here and ima miss them like crazy! i have definitely made some besties here. :]
But they're here right now sooo i'll right more next week.

<3 Amber

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Food For Thought...

How many of you LOVE seafood? How about steak? Chicken? Burgers? Bacon? Tasty right? Well, I'm thinking about becoming vegetarian, including seafood/fish.
Tonight I watched the documentary "The Cove". Talk about making you think! This documentary focuses on the dolphins being slaughtered in Taiji, Japan. The dolphins are forced to shore then dolphin trainers go in the water and choose the one they want to be at their aquatic arena. The rest of the dolphins are taken to the other side of that cove and stabbed repeatedly with spears and then dragged on to the boats to be butchered and sold in Japanese stores as whale meat. Not only is the murder of these mammals tragic, but the meat that is being sold contains highly toxic levels of mercury.
At one point in the film a Japanese fisherman is quoted in saying, "this is our culture. you americans kill cows to eat, we kill dolphins." That quote really got me thinking. We do kill a crap ton of cows and pigs and chickens and turkeys and sea life but most of us see nothing wrong with that. Its the natural order of the food chain. But when I just stop and think about it, I would hate it if there were some species higher than humans and they would just come and choose the meaty people and kill them, you know? After that quote was said in the movie, they went to the streets of Japan. People were asked if they knew about the dolphin harvest. No one had a clue. That was one difference, we are aware we are killing animals... Taiji and other Japanese citizens are unaware of their killings.
Now, I know it is extreme to want to cut out all those things in my diet just because of one documentary... but I really want to. I just don't know if I'd really be able to stick to it. Cutting out seafood would not be hard at all because I don't like seafood. Last summer I cut out everything except chicken and turkey. So I guess I can look at it as me taking last summer just one step further. I'm sure in a future blog you'll find out what I chose.
Until then you can check out this website:
It explains what is/was happening and what anyone can do to help.
Thanks for reading! :]
