Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Party in the Freakin USA

Hey there...
In case anyone other than kc reads this and wanted to know how my brother was doin... hes doin great.
No seizures since that night... actually since the last one mentioned in that blog.
Anyway more good news comes :D
My brother may be coming home for Afghanistan early! :D :D :D
However, that means that my dad will be reciving surgery soon. Which is really good for him in the long run but its just nerve racking as hell just thing that he is going to be getting a transplant you know?
Anyway... I guess you really do have to go through some bad to get to the good!
So yeah, lifes pretty great right now.... oh anddd, I'm going to college. (Y) [thumbs up]
I wasnt sure how it would work since like I have no money... but my nana is co-signing for me soo wooooo!
Now I just need to wait for my housing asignment and like other college crap like registering for classes and idk maybe touring the friggen campus!
Isnt it weird that I chose a school I have never been to before? Cuz I kinda think it is but then I remember how much I love North Carolina and get over it :D
Yeah woo!
So anyway... tonight I went to Kcs house to watch One Tree Hill [aka the best show ever on the face of this earth... but wizards is in a close second] Lol anyway.. so far I think tonights episode was the best so far of season 7. I hate that Rachel and Dan are together... but at least it makes me like intrigued u know? Andddd Nathan and Haley storyline.. eeehhhh its alright. But like how many times can a guy be accused of cheating? Like really Mark give that couple a break! Lol. Other than that i love/hate that new girl thats the face of Clothes Over Bros. Like shes hella funny but I cant get a good read on if shes movin in on Julian u know?
Hahah I say you know alot... oh welllllll :D
So after that we watched Wizards of Waverly Place the movie. I love it... no lie.
Lol i almost cried watching it!
But idk family things just pull at my heart.. yeh
Well this is getting random and boring... night!

<3 Amberrrr