Saturday, March 13, 2010

Spring Break 2010

Hello World!
Its 2:28am right now and yet I felt compelled to write a blog for you lovely people that read this!
This week was my spring break. I didn't go to some exotic island. I didn't got to vegas, or atlantic city. I didn't go home. In fact I stayed right here at my school. However, a piece of home came to me. :]
My sister flew from Maine to North Carolina last sunday, just to come hang out with boring old me! I spent most of last friday and saturday cleaning up my room and doing laundry, so my room would be presentable... [not that it wasnt but i mean there was going to be more than one person living here now]. I got a text at about 11:30am sunday morning from Lizzy saying she had just gotten into the taxi and was on her way here! I was sooo excited! Once she was pulling into campus i had her give me a call so that I could meet her down there and help her with her luggage. However when I got down there she only had like one thing, [idk its not a briefcase lol but the case of luggage?]
That day we just pretty much chilled here. The next day we went to get lunch and she got some picture of campus, and we took a trip to good ol' wally world. It was fun to be able to shop normally. I always went on random trips to wal-mart or the grocery store with Lizzy before I came here so it felt reallllly good being able to do that again. On the way back from Wal-Mart our taxi driver dropped us off like a billion feet away from my dorm because he went in the back way and it was closed... so we walked carrying bags and a 24 pack of Aquafina at least a mile... and it waas mainly uphill, lol it sucked. But we did it, and thank goodness it was nice out or else that walk would have reealllyyyy sucked a lot lol.
Then wednesday we went out again because it was a lovely 70 degrees outside! We walked around campus a little more and she got more photos and so did I, and we also did some shopping at the bookstore and watched a movie in the campus theater. It was a very fun and productive day! :]
The next day it was crap weather and we just chilled in my room... lol it was definitely a lazy day but it was a good one! I love being able to do nothing but still have fun you know?
Thursday we did go out, even thought it was raining a little bit... we went to go see Planet 51 at the campus theater... it was a cute movie. Then again we came here and just kicked it. :]
Today I slept in late. Lol, Lizzy got up at like 10am but she didnt wake me, so we didnt do anything until about 3pm-ish. She wanted to get something for my mom and dad so we walked back to the bookstore and she picked out their gifts and I got some gifts too. I got Jimmy a nalgene bottle that days 49ers on it, and its spill proof. And i got my dad a Bobby Flay cookbook, because thats his fav chef. I also got myself the book Push. It is the book that the movie Precious is made after. Then once we got back here, lizzy started packing. Its weird because it feels like the whole week went by just as fast as I typed it.
Right now Lizzy is sleeping, or trying to... I have to wake her up in 9 minutes so she can get all of her things together and double check everything then head to the airport... This week was so much fun and its like a tease of what i'm missing at home. I miss being able to just kick it with my sister, even if it means watching American Idol [a show which i do not like]. I'm going to be really sad watching her taxi drive off but I know it'll be all set because its already march... may will come in no time. Ill get to see both her and my dad, and then once i get home I'll get to see my mom and jimmy too! [and of course all of my besties!] I miss everyone at home so much, but i know being here is good for me.
This week may not have been very eventful, but it was the best week i've had here.
I love my sister so much!!! I hope she had as good of a time as i did. :]
