Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Thank goodness for friends and BarlowGirl

"Hey. Hi! Hey! Hey!" -Beka Hardt
So basically... the only other time i wrote about BarlowGirl it was kinda about how like i didnt know too much about them but i was looking forward to the concert and blah blah blah... but since then, haha oh man has that changed!
So things started to get crazy in my house around the begining of October if yall remember from my last (i think) blog. Well... when I said thank God i have great music to get me through it all.... yeah that great music was the lovely rockin music of BarlowGirl. Basically listening to their music helped me remember that God is always with me and that I can trust him even if things arnt going super in life. And idk really one song in particular helped me alot and that was Never Alone. Just sayin.... go youtube it :] There is a line in there that really had me thinking the most and really made me realize God and I are always connected even if i had slipped away for a while, he was still there. (We cannot seperate, 'cause you're part of me. And though you're invisable I'll trust the unseen.) Yeah, soo happy they wrote that song... i dont really think im doing a great job of explaining what im trying to but whatever i know how they helped me and just yeah :]
So on November 7th of 2009... the best day of my life occured.
At noon I went to my friends house who I was going to the concert with and we wrote all over her van windows to show how much we love BarlowGirl and were uber pumped for the concert. The back windshild said "Honk if you <3 BarlowGirl" remember that lol.
So the drive down to MA was about like 3 hours. It was a fantastic ride because everyone in the van is friggen awsome and we had Barlow blasted almost the whole time lol.
Once we go there we waited in line outside the venue and we were near the front and that was pretty sweet and to make it ever more sweet... we had VIP passes and got the very very front row. We got to do a QA with three memembers of Superchic[k] (Matt, Tricia, and Melissa). Then the Barlows came out for their QA. I totally wanted to ask them what their fav iPhone app was but i didnt haha. After that we were first in line for the meet and greet photo, and Lauren asked Kc if we were the ones with the car with the writing on it... we totally were. I had never really done anything like this before so i kind just didnt know where to go and ended up at the end with Tricia and Melissa which really isnt bad, theyre awsome... lol but i wanted to be near Becca! haha.
So then the concert started.... and you know what? I found out i pretty much love being so close at a concert that i can lean on the stage haha. Vota was on first and they were friggen awsome... i got to scream into the mic, it was super cool! Then Superchick came on anddd they put on a friggen amazingly awsome show. Dave and Matt were going nuts and it totally just blew me away just so cool. At one point Tricia was walking around on stage and i had set my phone down on there and she came over and almost stepped on it lol... but thank goodness she did hahah. After them came BarlowGirl!
Honestly..... saying yes to that concert was the best thing ever. They put on an amazing show and i just love them! They opened with Come Alive.... and the crowd totally did haha. Then they played Avarage Girl and check out this pic I got of Lauren....

Pretty amazing right? haha
So then Lauren went on her drums and Becca and Alyssa had some pretty great speachs and they rocked out like crazy! Lauren got off the drums at an other point to prefrom Our Worlds Collide acousticlly and then she read from her Bible and gave a friggen awsomely amazing speech and then they went into Million Voices. OMGEEEE! Talk about having a crazy awsome rock show two feet infront of your face! I gotta hand it to them.... Lauren had an amazing voice while jamming on the drums... alyssa was jamming like crazy on her bass.. and Becca totally KILLED IT! She didnt like jump around alot until that song and just it was the best thing i had ever seen in my life!

Then they sang Open Heavens which I love alot and im pretty sure by then I had no voice left to sing along with lol but I still tired haha. Once that song was over they had the whole front row take a few steps back and invited some of their volenteres/crew up to be there for anyone who wanted or needed to pray and Alyssa was talking about alot of things that I took to heart and I just love her lol.
So after that was all over we got in line to meet them! Honestly that was sooo coooool! Like they are so down to earth and nice and funny and you can tell they really apreciate their fans. They were all looking at the WOOT sign Kc and I had made and then Lauren was like "You guys were the one with the car right? Guys they're the ones who had the car that said Honk if You Love BarlowGirl" and Becca and Alyssa thought it was awsome and Lauren took pics with it lol and Alyssa said we'd get tweeted but we havnt yet lol. Its cool though theyre busy girls. Also before all that we got a pic with Beka Hardt who i freaking just love cuz she prolly the funniest person on the face of this earth lol. She also signed the poster but she asked if she could and Becca was like "Beka, it says 'we heart Beka Hardt." And idk why but it makes me chuckle! (BTW to see a vid of any of these things check out JMBfan83's youtube page!) Yeah and then after meeting them we got to meet four members of Superchick, Tricia had already left. Then we met the lead singer of Vota nd talked with him for a bit. Then we wanted to go back to Barlow but they were being sang to lol and we didnt want to interupt so thats when we left for the ride home only.....
On the way to the van we saw a lady walking a super cute little tiny dog and it was little Penny Lane and Mrs. Barlow walking her. That was pretty cool to pet Penny cuz shes sooo cutte!!!!
Then on the ride home and until today we talk about how awsome Saturday was and basically I am sooo stoked for the next time!!!!!!!