Wednesday, July 21, 2010

One Night Camp Trip

Soo last night I went camping with a friend, her sister and her sisters husband. It was an hour drive from here and its was like a completely secluded and kinda sketch. However, the inside was verrrry rustic and adorable. Or so I thought, until a freaking snake comes hanging down from one of the rafters all shiney and slithery. Kelly [my friend] and her sister ran towards the door screaming and actually her sister ran out of the cabin. I just kinda sat there, in shock. I wasnt really scared I was just like creeped out. The only guy there, [the husband], takes a machete and chops the snake down, cutting its head nearly off in the process. It took a while for kellys sister to come back in once the snake was all gone and taken care of but she did come back in. Then to pass time, we played skip-bo, scrabble, and skat. Once it came time for bed, kristen and her husband slept in the rover and kelly and i shared a bed, still slightly terrified that a snake could be somewhere even though we checked the whole entire place like three times. We ended up falling asleep around 3am and woke up at 7am. Once we got all of our stuff together we headed out to go do the zip line and a thing call the "flying squirrel". To get there, Dave thought we should take a shortcut. Well the one we took ended up being more of a long cut. It was a tiny dirt road that was not in as good of shape as it had been when he'd taken it before. We were driving over big rocks, a bunch of uneven ground, and the rover was getting hit with a bunch of branches. At one point we thought a tire had popped because we smelt burning rubber and it kept making really bad sounding sounds. He figured out that it was that the suspension was too low and fix it and we continued to drive. Then we come up on the HUGE mud puddle... but it was more just mud and less puddle. If we had gotten stuck there would have been no way to get out other then to push pretty much. So we drove through it peddle to the metal and swerved our way out. It was pretty fantastic but it got the truck quite dirty. hah. After that we made if back to tar and drove to the school where the activities were. We drove to this little storage house and got our harnesses and helmets than Dave and Kristen showed us how to climb up the tree and get on to the platform for the zip line. I'm dead scared of heights but I wanted to do it because i knew if i didnt id regret it. So kristen went then kelly and then it was supposed to be me. However when kelly went down she unhitched the wrong clip and was dangling by her safety line. [the opening photo]. Kristen and I had to pull her rope so she'd go back up the line, in the process i fell into some rocks but was fine. Then like 4/5 of the way there we tied a second rope onto kelly and i had to climb the tree and bring the rope to dave so he could help fix her and pull her up. While climbing the tree i dropped the rope and had to wait midway up for kristen to climb it and hand it to me so i could hand it to dave. Then I got on the platform and didnt let go of the tree until kelly made it back down the line and brought the rope back for me to be hitched up to. Dave got me hitched up all safe and then I just went for it. It was a lot less scary then i thought it would be, but it also takes a lot more strength than i thought i would too. I couldnt loosen my rope at the bottom for me to get down so kelly and kristen had to come hold my rope and i had to use two hands. it was terrifying. i finially got down and then walked back to the top of the hill and then kristen kelly and dave did this thing called the flying squirrel. it was like 100 feet in the air and i just wasnt down for that. after all that fun we came home. anddd yea, i had more fun then i could have ever imagined!
<3 Amberrrr