Sunday, January 9, 2011

Wow, Its Been Months!

Sorry to anyone who checks up on this blog, but I've gotten into Tumblr quite a bit and kinda just dropped updating this blog. However, I feel the need to write a long blog right now and this is the best place to let my thoughts flow.
So this afternoon, in a few hours actually I suppose.... I'm leaving for the airport to go back to school. Remember all my old blogs about how much i LOVE uncc? Well, things have changed, either that I have. I mean I still love the school, but things seem soooo different from last year. I feel like I'm in more, and when I'm not in idk... I feel like I'm not being me 100% around some of the people I hang out with. Also, this last semester there were more parties, and idk... drama? I mean I was never involved with any drama per se, but it was all close around me and i cannot stand that caddy stuff. I suppose I also kinda feel like my first semester there I was just a fill in for my friend natalie. We hung out a lot last spring and were really close, but this semester with katlyn here we just kinda dont, unless I like text both of them and see what they are both doing and they both agree to hang out. I guess id just kinda like it if once and a while one of them would text me and see what im doing and if i wanted to hang out or get off campus, instead of just hearing stories and them saying, "oh my god you should have been there!" Well I could have been if one of yall called or texted me. Also, I feel like most of this past semester I was just seen as a person to get answers from. Katlyn would text me for my math notebook, and natalie and i would chill when we had stuff to do for our SPED class. I also get treated like a little innocent baby when I DO hang out with them, which sucks too.
Now I know it sounds like im just ragging on them, but i mean i love em both. They are good friends, but like i said, things have changed or I did. I cannot wait for this semester to be over and for me to be back home again. Then next semester, go to FARMINGTON!! Although, being accepted into the school first would help huh? Haha, ugh idk... it all just kinda hit me this semester, how much i LOVE maine and all the people i know here. I love freezing in the winter, sweating to death in the summer, random trips to OOB and the old port, late nights of the randomest things, movies with my sis, cooking for the fam, spending time with jimbo, watching spongebob, and all that kinda stuff.
Yeah... I gotta go pack now. Thanks for reading? Haha.
