Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I'll Title This When I'm Done Writing It...

Long time not write huh?
Yeah well theres been things going on in my life and idk i just havent really felt like writing until today.
I'm one of those people who can take in alot of things and not really react. I can take the news of a family member dying and not cry. I can take the news of a family member going to afghanistan and not cry. I can take the news of a fmaily members kidney failing and needing to go on dialisis before a transplant and not cry. I can take angry family members yelling and crying and complaining and misdirecting their feelings and not cry. I can listen to someone elses problems and take it in and tell them what i think and not cry. However... lately things are getting hard.
I'm starting to not know how to be the strong one. I cant help but get extremely angry when i hear someone yell at someone else because they're sick and cant help it. I cant take the my parents argue all the time now. Like idk how to deal with all this crap i feel inside because i just dont know how to let it out. I want to cry but cant.. i want to scream but wont. I just need some kind of outlette. But thats realy hard becuase im home alot of the time and thats when all this crap is going on and it just gets worse and worse as the days go on.
I'm starting to think about when i go off to college and how thats even going to work. My mom is going to be working and so is my sister. My dad cant do much cuz hes going to be getting weaker from the dialisis and stuff... and thats when hes going to get his transplant. I dont even know if any of this makes sense to anyone reading it but its kinda letting me get crap out so i'm just going to keep writing.
I really just wanna take sometime for myself and just think and listening to music and just let everything in and let it all hit me.. but i cant do that like ever.
I like being in my room by myself but i cant do that alot either cuz i have to help out with my brother. And lately all i want is to be out of my house.. but thats hard too when i have no car cuz i have no lisence. Hahah life is just sooo poopy sometimes.
But when i do have time to sit and think i think about all the things in my life that are good. Like the fact that my parents really are in love even though they argue sometimes. My brother is alive even though hes living and sleeping somewhere wehre people get killed daily. I get to see my family daily and tell them i love them whenever i want to. I have friends that are amazing and support me through anything and are always there for me. And just the basic fact that i am alive and i get to be alive like everyday.
Well i lost my train of thought.... but idk yall get the basic idea.
At least i got some good music to keep me happy.....

Bye :]

Thursday, October 1, 2009

So Happy I copied it! This is the second atempt!

Hey there!
So basically life is great right now :D
I added a playlist to this soo that makes me crazy happy because i made this playlist like a long time ago yet i still love all the songs and now for those who read, yall can get a taste of my taste in music!
Speaking of music... :D!?!?!?
Wanna hear some more amazing news?
Huh? Do you?
I will tell you!
There are many good concerts in my very near future!

Lets just be honest... who doesnt love her? I'm so damn excited for that concert! Its in like 3 days i'm prety sure... yeah 3! Not only is it going to be uber fun since she just clearly knows how to rock out, (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2WzYLypff9g&feature=player_profilepage), but also im going with some great friends that i love and its just gunna be a freakin BLAST!
It is 100% possible that you have never heard of that band. Thats because they are a local one :]. However, they are basically love! If you want to check them out... which you should... click here: [www.myspace.com/thesophomorebeat] They're playing a free show that I cant wait to go to, and they are giving away free signed psoters! It will look mint in my dorm in January! :D
The day I found him on VH1 is the day I fell in love lol. But really though. Hes playing a show in Boston that I want to go to so freaking bad, butttttt IDK who will go with me! Its a huge problem! But I think my sister is warming up to the idea. Anyway he is an acoustic rock musician and I love him and his music and just ughhh, myspace him! ;] If I go to this, I can pretty much promise you that there will be a whole intire blog devoted to him! Lol, okay i think you get it.
I have'nt been a fan for too long, but I'm so glad that i am one. They're songs have really inspiring and heartfelt meaning behind them and thats something that just gets me. Also, they are prolly the funniest people on the face of this earth. They have their podcasts on youtube and Kc and I have watched them and holy crap i didnt even know i could laugh that hard. "Zac Efron, and puppies! Lauren, you werent supposed to tell them!" Haha, yeah! :D Also, I havent seen them live yet... but I have seen videos of them preforming and it looks like they put on an amzing show and I am sooooooooooo excited for this concert... also theres a meet and greet! Deffinitly going to worth the 3 hour drive. :D!!!!!!

As far as I know, those are the only concerts I have before I head down to Charlotte.. but you never know... people are touring like crazy these days. I would love to go to a Jay-Z concert or Katy Perry, but as far as I know... im not going to one any time soon lol.
Alrighty last time i got to this point I posted my twitter link and all that crap and then went to post this and it didnt work... sooo, right after this I am copying this and making sure that yall get to read this!!!!

Thanks for reading my random rant about the four best things coming up! :D


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