Sunday, July 12, 2009

General Update...

Its been a while, i know. So i guess you all might want to know whats new, whats been goin on since well.... February. Heres the dish:

I applied for college in March to the following schools:
University of Maine at Farmington.
Southern Maine Community College.
Cape Fear Community College.
Unversity of North Carolina at Charl0otte.
I am very happy to say i was accepted to all of them. At first I was pretty sure i wanted to go to UMF. I looked at it in my second year of high school and i fell in love with it. Then after attending Accecpted Students day... I realized i just wasnt as in love as I thought i was. After going to Wilmington i knew that i needed to go to North Carolina. It was so lovely and everyone was so nice. They weather was 100 time better than here in Maine. Not that Maine is like horrible, but once youve been here for 18 years you either know you never need to leave... or that you deffinitly have to explore other places to grow. (if that made any sense at all)
Long story short, in May late April i was finnally accecpted to UNCC and thats where i'll be going starting January 11, 2010.
I graduated high school June 7th 2009. It felt so good to finally accomplish 13 years of school, including kindergarten. I marched with one of my best friends Kc and the rest of or freinds marched around us. I was in the second row, so i got my depolma very soon after speechs ended. After graduation pictures were taken and then i was off to project grad. Talk about a lame place hahaha. We were drivin to a bowling alley like way up in Lewiston. We were promise that we were not going to go bowling but, looks like that lied. I guess it wasnt totally lame. We got a shit ton of free food, and free money to play the little video games and stuff. Plus galactic bowling with blaring music! wooo! lol. So yeah after that summer was just summer, all i have really done is worked.
I have gone to Canobie once, seen my whole family about four times, and have not gone swimming yet. Of course if last week had never happend maybe a few more things could have happend.
On July 6th my great grandfather died. Most of the time people arnt really close with a distant relitive like a great granparent... but i knew him well. It was such a sucker punch for my whole family. Then on July 7th we found out that July 11th by brother would be getting shipped to Afghanistan. Even bigger blow. Things have been very sad around here, but we are all thinking positive. I'm really hoping that something great happens soon. It would totally make everyones day.
I guess thats all I really have right now. Until next time, thanks for checkin me out.

Amber :)

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