Monday, June 14, 2010

One Month Later.

Hey Blog World.
So if you have been keeping up with my posts, you may have taken note that i have been home for a month now. And maybe you're wondering, hows home? do you miss school? are you going back? what have you done in a month? is it still an annoying place? Well... I can answer most of those questions, or at least i can try.
Home is and will always be my favorite place on Earth, however NO ONE should stay at home forever. I love it here, but I don't love being here 24/7. I feel like i have no freedom when I'm home and freedom is something all young people should embrace. We need to live and learn, make mistakes and succeed on our own. Thats extremely hard to do when you're stuck at home most days of the week, hanging out on a laptop. And of course i miss school. Not just being in school and taking classes, but i miss my friends, the campus, Charlotte in general. I can't go to Concord Mills here. I can't get Bojangles. I can't ride around in paco and take random weekend trips to Lexington. I can't just lay down if i don't want to do anything. I cant even schedule my own day. Everything depends on everyone else. Its extremely hard to go from asking to do everything, to being your own person and doing whatever you want, then back to asking to do everything. I am 100% looking forward to this fall. I cannot wait to be back there. However, more not so swell news. I am not one of those kids whose parents can just pay for everything. I need financial aid and a crap ton of loans if i want to get back there. On top of that... all of this money has to be in by August 18th. I have no idea how this is going to work. My biggest fear is not being able to go back to school. I love home and everyone here so much, but I know that North Carolina is where I need to be if i ever want to have a career and grow into an adult.
Conflicting and stressful feelings aside... this month has been alright. I've gotten to go out with my friends just about every night. However that in itself has been annoying. Not hanging out with my friends, just the process of making plans and someone always claiming to not care and then make a big deal of things and make everyone else annoyed or angry. No names will be named but if you know who i am and youre reading this your most likely know who and what things im talking about. Aside from friends, ive gotten to hang out with my sister a lot, and my brother Jimmy graduated! I start work back at my old job Friday, so i'll be making some money to save for the fall. And thats basically my month in a nutshell.
I think i answered all of the hypothetical questions i created, but if youre reading this and you have any more, PLEASE ask in a comment. I like to know people have read this and I also like to know what people think. I suppose I should go search the net for scholarships and loans now. Until next post America!



  1. hey friend!
    i know what you're going through with the money and college thing, you may think i dont lol but both of those schools cost 30,000+ and my dad is just like..uh..haha. we've been calling people all week seeing how much financial aid and what crap, but i do have a suggestion for you that might help me anndd you. you can still apply for scholarships (free money!) its not just for graduating seniors when they kept bugging us to fill out scholarships in HS, theres scholarships for like everyone and anyone, seriously google some and weed out some good ones, it'll take a while and stuff but i think it's worth it, even if you end up winning only a little money, it's a tad better than not getting anything? haha. im hoping i can find some that will be good because school is giving us noo help at all, and the other one is giving us some help but still it's not much haha. even though i still dunno what im doing.

    but anyways, (you know i tend to ramble on..) im sorry about your non freedom :( thats gotta be frusterating that i wont even pretend to understand but i am glad that you like NC and i reallllly hope you get to go back like really..really!!

    you said if i have anyone questions i can ask..and i do!! haha do i annoy you when i talk about glee and stuff or when we watch glee all the time? haha.


    this is like the longest comment i've ever left.
    p.s my tumblr:

  2. lol honestly no. you do not annoy me one bit about Glee. i like learning new things. and i can thank you enough for the scholarship info... im fillin stuff out right now.
