Monday, December 28, 2009

"I Don't Care About Your Myspace Page!"

Bahahahaha that title is nothing relevent at all it just makes me laugh out loudly :]
Well what a long time its been, i really should blog more but i just dont... i bet if there was an app for blogging id blog all the time cuz im practically glued to my freakin iPod. Anyway, idk why but i came online and ended up here which isnt a bad thing but i just dont know what I wanted to write about.
Well, hmm I could give an update on ricky n my dad... theyre doing fantastic. Everything that is supposed to happen, is. That makes me suuuper smile! :D
Also, in 8 days.... I'll be blogging from North Carolina. Weird huh? I feel like being in college is going to make me wanna blog a lot more. Not really sure why but i just feel like im one of those people who turns to writing when they need to express or tell something, and i feel that way cuz i am one of those people. psh whatevs i like it that way. Sorry if this is boring to anyone reading it... aka kaycee... even tho it tells me i have a new follower... hey there :] lol.
Okay well this is boring and just not going where i wanted to it soooooooo, bye.


Sunday, December 6, 2009

Seems I mostly write when I'm angry.

I'm not really too angry right now... I am im not really angry in general either i guess... im just stressed and idk how to manage it.
On tueday december 1st my dad and brother under went a kidney transplant operation. My dads kidneys suck basically and my brothers are really great and he was a match. So that day and the build up to it was incredibly nerve racking.
The day before I was angry/sad that whole day and I was gving everyone atitude and I'm pretty sure it had to do with the next day but idk, like I didnt even know until that moment that I was nervous at all and then once i did... the angry and sad feelings went away and i was my normal self agian.
Then, tuesday morning came and my sister and i sent jimmy off to school then headed to the hospital. It wasnt until we were walking to the enternce that it all kinda hit me. Lizzy ran back to the car to grab something and i was left on the sidewalk to just stand and think and i thought about how they are litterally taking a kidney out of my brother and that it will be like empty there after. And then i started thinking about the way to clean smell that every hospital has and then lizzy came back and i tired to tell her was was going on in my head and she like... just stop thnking about it. So i did and i was fine like three mins after we walked in the doors. The rest of that day i was me... i was laughing, i was jokin around.... it was like everything was normal. Of course getting news that everything went perfect helped out alot.
The next day sucked quite a bit...
My mom wanted to sleep in, because the day before she was up at 430 am... so lizzy and i said we'd get jimmy up. However... the night before we didnt go to bed until like 3am... sooo heres where it starts to suck. I had my alarm set for 545, but i got woken up at 445 because i heard jimmy up laughing and chattering... so i laid him back down and covered him up and then fell back asleep for about 10 mins when all of a sudden he has a seizure. I was hoping it was only that one and that he'd be okay by the time he had to get up for school that ways lizzy my mom and i could all go see my dad and brother (because the nigt before we only saw them for like 10 mins and they were verrrrry out of it). So needless to say the siezures didnt stop... the kept going on until about 12 in the afternoon... not non stop but way too often for having had two of his pills that are supposed to stop them... anyway to put more on top of that, my nana was here for one.
I dont think she has ever seen jimmy have more then a absence seizure so when his eyes rolled back and i was stopping him from falling off the couch i think it kind of hit her heart... she just stood up and gave my mom a huge hug and said "i dont know how you do it... im so scared" she was choked up and idk i felt so bad but like all of my family has seen it so much that like we go into some sort of mode where we just know what to do and idk how to explain it... anyway he finally stopped having them and slept for most of the rest of the day.
The next day he was very groggy and just kind of stayed on the couch chillin, meanwhile my dad and ricky just kept getting better. Also this whole time the only way i was keeping in contact with my friends (who are like the biggest shoulder for me) was by texting and some five second phone calls.... i missed em alot! But the days after that things just got better and better...
Ricky came home friday afternoon and my dad came home last night... and they had a newspaper article written about them? It was cute.
And so, I am EXTREMELY happy that my dads health is increasin and that they are both doing as well as the doctors said they should and that they get to be home... but, (yes theres a but,) IT IS SO STRESSFUL!
I lost my bed because ricky needs somewhere to sleep that is not a couch. Really I am okay with that because I know he needs that. But at the same time, i am so angry and i miss the hell outta my bed. I miss being able to go in my room after work and just dive on it and lay there. I miss being able to go in my room when i want period. Also i miss knowing where things are in my room. All of the crap he brought back with him from Fort Drum is everywhere plusssss he bought a bass which in conviently in my room! I know i am 100% selfish for feeling this was but when I sleep on the couch I cant even fall asleep until other people go to bed or get off the couch and then i have to find a way to drown out the noise and it doesnt help that since i dont allow ricky to smoke in my room he has to come out here and then wake me up once i am asleep and then move my stuff and sit on one of my pillows! Sorry... haha had to vent about that... it just pissed me off so much and idk why but im just like i said before finding it hard to always be strong... like i want it to be okay for me to want my room and bed back but at the same time i dont want to because ricky neeeds that bed and i should be thankful i have somewhere to sleep at all... idk.
I am pretty okay with everything right now other than the fact my toe hurts real bad... but i am thankful to God that both my dad and brother are recovering well and that they get to be home and sleep here instead of the hospital.
However though all this... i had some songs that kept me sane and reminded my to be thankful of the life i have and all that good stuff :]
We Live -Superchick
Stand In The Rain -Superchick
Looking Up -Paramore
Turn it Off -Paramore
Psalm 73 (my Gods enough) -BarlowGirl
Stay With Me -BarlowGirl
Keep Quiet -BarlowGirl
Lost -Katy Perry

Haha i just realized those are all female artist... whatevs :]
Alright i think im done now... i know ur smiling on the inside.

Thanks to anyone who read this!

Til next time yo...
<3 Amberrrrrrr

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Thank goodness for friends and BarlowGirl

"Hey. Hi! Hey! Hey!" -Beka Hardt
So basically... the only other time i wrote about BarlowGirl it was kinda about how like i didnt know too much about them but i was looking forward to the concert and blah blah blah... but since then, haha oh man has that changed!
So things started to get crazy in my house around the begining of October if yall remember from my last (i think) blog. Well... when I said thank God i have great music to get me through it all.... yeah that great music was the lovely rockin music of BarlowGirl. Basically listening to their music helped me remember that God is always with me and that I can trust him even if things arnt going super in life. And idk really one song in particular helped me alot and that was Never Alone. Just sayin.... go youtube it :] There is a line in there that really had me thinking the most and really made me realize God and I are always connected even if i had slipped away for a while, he was still there. (We cannot seperate, 'cause you're part of me. And though you're invisable I'll trust the unseen.) Yeah, soo happy they wrote that song... i dont really think im doing a great job of explaining what im trying to but whatever i know how they helped me and just yeah :]
So on November 7th of 2009... the best day of my life occured.
At noon I went to my friends house who I was going to the concert with and we wrote all over her van windows to show how much we love BarlowGirl and were uber pumped for the concert. The back windshild said "Honk if you <3 BarlowGirl" remember that lol.
So the drive down to MA was about like 3 hours. It was a fantastic ride because everyone in the van is friggen awsome and we had Barlow blasted almost the whole time lol.
Once we go there we waited in line outside the venue and we were near the front and that was pretty sweet and to make it ever more sweet... we had VIP passes and got the very very front row. We got to do a QA with three memembers of Superchic[k] (Matt, Tricia, and Melissa). Then the Barlows came out for their QA. I totally wanted to ask them what their fav iPhone app was but i didnt haha. After that we were first in line for the meet and greet photo, and Lauren asked Kc if we were the ones with the car with the writing on it... we totally were. I had never really done anything like this before so i kind just didnt know where to go and ended up at the end with Tricia and Melissa which really isnt bad, theyre awsome... lol but i wanted to be near Becca! haha.
So then the concert started.... and you know what? I found out i pretty much love being so close at a concert that i can lean on the stage haha. Vota was on first and they were friggen awsome... i got to scream into the mic, it was super cool! Then Superchick came on anddd they put on a friggen amazingly awsome show. Dave and Matt were going nuts and it totally just blew me away just so cool. At one point Tricia was walking around on stage and i had set my phone down on there and she came over and almost stepped on it lol... but thank goodness she did hahah. After them came BarlowGirl!
Honestly..... saying yes to that concert was the best thing ever. They put on an amazing show and i just love them! They opened with Come Alive.... and the crowd totally did haha. Then they played Avarage Girl and check out this pic I got of Lauren....

Pretty amazing right? haha
So then Lauren went on her drums and Becca and Alyssa had some pretty great speachs and they rocked out like crazy! Lauren got off the drums at an other point to prefrom Our Worlds Collide acousticlly and then she read from her Bible and gave a friggen awsomely amazing speech and then they went into Million Voices. OMGEEEE! Talk about having a crazy awsome rock show two feet infront of your face! I gotta hand it to them.... Lauren had an amazing voice while jamming on the drums... alyssa was jamming like crazy on her bass.. and Becca totally KILLED IT! She didnt like jump around alot until that song and just it was the best thing i had ever seen in my life!

Then they sang Open Heavens which I love alot and im pretty sure by then I had no voice left to sing along with lol but I still tired haha. Once that song was over they had the whole front row take a few steps back and invited some of their volenteres/crew up to be there for anyone who wanted or needed to pray and Alyssa was talking about alot of things that I took to heart and I just love her lol.
So after that was all over we got in line to meet them! Honestly that was sooo coooool! Like they are so down to earth and nice and funny and you can tell they really apreciate their fans. They were all looking at the WOOT sign Kc and I had made and then Lauren was like "You guys were the one with the car right? Guys they're the ones who had the car that said Honk if You Love BarlowGirl" and Becca and Alyssa thought it was awsome and Lauren took pics with it lol and Alyssa said we'd get tweeted but we havnt yet lol. Its cool though theyre busy girls. Also before all that we got a pic with Beka Hardt who i freaking just love cuz she prolly the funniest person on the face of this earth lol. She also signed the poster but she asked if she could and Becca was like "Beka, it says 'we heart Beka Hardt." And idk why but it makes me chuckle! (BTW to see a vid of any of these things check out JMBfan83's youtube page!) Yeah and then after meeting them we got to meet four members of Superchick, Tricia had already left. Then we met the lead singer of Vota nd talked with him for a bit. Then we wanted to go back to Barlow but they were being sang to lol and we didnt want to interupt so thats when we left for the ride home only.....
On the way to the van we saw a lady walking a super cute little tiny dog and it was little Penny Lane and Mrs. Barlow walking her. That was pretty cool to pet Penny cuz shes sooo cutte!!!!
Then on the ride home and until today we talk about how awsome Saturday was and basically I am sooo stoked for the next time!!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I'll Title This When I'm Done Writing It...

Long time not write huh?
Yeah well theres been things going on in my life and idk i just havent really felt like writing until today.
I'm one of those people who can take in alot of things and not really react. I can take the news of a family member dying and not cry. I can take the news of a family member going to afghanistan and not cry. I can take the news of a fmaily members kidney failing and needing to go on dialisis before a transplant and not cry. I can take angry family members yelling and crying and complaining and misdirecting their feelings and not cry. I can listen to someone elses problems and take it in and tell them what i think and not cry. However... lately things are getting hard.
I'm starting to not know how to be the strong one. I cant help but get extremely angry when i hear someone yell at someone else because they're sick and cant help it. I cant take the my parents argue all the time now. Like idk how to deal with all this crap i feel inside because i just dont know how to let it out. I want to cry but cant.. i want to scream but wont. I just need some kind of outlette. But thats realy hard becuase im home alot of the time and thats when all this crap is going on and it just gets worse and worse as the days go on.
I'm starting to think about when i go off to college and how thats even going to work. My mom is going to be working and so is my sister. My dad cant do much cuz hes going to be getting weaker from the dialisis and stuff... and thats when hes going to get his transplant. I dont even know if any of this makes sense to anyone reading it but its kinda letting me get crap out so i'm just going to keep writing.
I really just wanna take sometime for myself and just think and listening to music and just let everything in and let it all hit me.. but i cant do that like ever.
I like being in my room by myself but i cant do that alot either cuz i have to help out with my brother. And lately all i want is to be out of my house.. but thats hard too when i have no car cuz i have no lisence. Hahah life is just sooo poopy sometimes.
But when i do have time to sit and think i think about all the things in my life that are good. Like the fact that my parents really are in love even though they argue sometimes. My brother is alive even though hes living and sleeping somewhere wehre people get killed daily. I get to see my family daily and tell them i love them whenever i want to. I have friends that are amazing and support me through anything and are always there for me. And just the basic fact that i am alive and i get to be alive like everyday.
Well i lost my train of thought.... but idk yall get the basic idea.
At least i got some good music to keep me happy.....

Bye :]

Thursday, October 1, 2009

So Happy I copied it! This is the second atempt!

Hey there!
So basically life is great right now :D
I added a playlist to this soo that makes me crazy happy because i made this playlist like a long time ago yet i still love all the songs and now for those who read, yall can get a taste of my taste in music!
Speaking of music... :D!?!?!?
Wanna hear some more amazing news?
Huh? Do you?
I will tell you!
There are many good concerts in my very near future!

Lets just be honest... who doesnt love her? I'm so damn excited for that concert! Its in like 3 days i'm prety sure... yeah 3! Not only is it going to be uber fun since she just clearly knows how to rock out, (, but also im going with some great friends that i love and its just gunna be a freakin BLAST!
It is 100% possible that you have never heard of that band. Thats because they are a local one :]. However, they are basically love! If you want to check them out... which you should... click here: [] They're playing a free show that I cant wait to go to, and they are giving away free signed psoters! It will look mint in my dorm in January! :D
The day I found him on VH1 is the day I fell in love lol. But really though. Hes playing a show in Boston that I want to go to so freaking bad, butttttt IDK who will go with me! Its a huge problem! But I think my sister is warming up to the idea. Anyway he is an acoustic rock musician and I love him and his music and just ughhh, myspace him! ;] If I go to this, I can pretty much promise you that there will be a whole intire blog devoted to him! Lol, okay i think you get it.
I have'nt been a fan for too long, but I'm so glad that i am one. They're songs have really inspiring and heartfelt meaning behind them and thats something that just gets me. Also, they are prolly the funniest people on the face of this earth. They have their podcasts on youtube and Kc and I have watched them and holy crap i didnt even know i could laugh that hard. "Zac Efron, and puppies! Lauren, you werent supposed to tell them!" Haha, yeah! :D Also, I havent seen them live yet... but I have seen videos of them preforming and it looks like they put on an amzing show and I am sooooooooooo excited for this concert... also theres a meet and greet! Deffinitly going to worth the 3 hour drive. :D!!!!!!

As far as I know, those are the only concerts I have before I head down to Charlotte.. but you never know... people are touring like crazy these days. I would love to go to a Jay-Z concert or Katy Perry, but as far as I know... im not going to one any time soon lol.
Alrighty last time i got to this point I posted my twitter link and all that crap and then went to post this and it didnt work... sooo, right after this I am copying this and making sure that yall get to read this!!!!

Thanks for reading my random rant about the four best things coming up! :D


Minimum wage is now $7.50!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Party in the Freakin USA

Hey there...
In case anyone other than kc reads this and wanted to know how my brother was doin... hes doin great.
No seizures since that night... actually since the last one mentioned in that blog.
Anyway more good news comes :D
My brother may be coming home for Afghanistan early! :D :D :D
However, that means that my dad will be reciving surgery soon. Which is really good for him in the long run but its just nerve racking as hell just thing that he is going to be getting a transplant you know?
Anyway... I guess you really do have to go through some bad to get to the good!
So yeah, lifes pretty great right now.... oh anddd, I'm going to college. (Y) [thumbs up]
I wasnt sure how it would work since like I have no money... but my nana is co-signing for me soo wooooo!
Now I just need to wait for my housing asignment and like other college crap like registering for classes and idk maybe touring the friggen campus!
Isnt it weird that I chose a school I have never been to before? Cuz I kinda think it is but then I remember how much I love North Carolina and get over it :D
Yeah woo!
So anyway... tonight I went to Kcs house to watch One Tree Hill [aka the best show ever on the face of this earth... but wizards is in a close second] Lol anyway.. so far I think tonights episode was the best so far of season 7. I hate that Rachel and Dan are together... but at least it makes me like intrigued u know? Andddd Nathan and Haley storyline.. eeehhhh its alright. But like how many times can a guy be accused of cheating? Like really Mark give that couple a break! Lol. Other than that i love/hate that new girl thats the face of Clothes Over Bros. Like shes hella funny but I cant get a good read on if shes movin in on Julian u know?
Hahah I say you know alot... oh welllllll :D
So after that we watched Wizards of Waverly Place the movie. I love it... no lie.
Lol i almost cried watching it!
But idk family things just pull at my heart.. yeh
Well this is getting random and boring... night!

<3 Amberrrr

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Heres Where it Gets Real...

I dont know if the time gets posted on this, but right now its 3:58am.
I have not gone to sleep yet.
I have an older brother with epilespy and he has had 11 seizures between the times of 1am and 3:55am.
I have been running to his bed room all night.
I don't want to sit here and complain about how stressful this is on me knowing that I am the youngest in the house and the only one awake to be with him, but honestly... think of him.
Grand Mal seizures are no joke.
Just one can take as much energy as it takes to run a marathon.
He has had 11.
I always pray to God when he has seizures. Asking God to help him stay relaxed, and let him sleep, to have him not have anymore seizures...
Tonight was the first time I was crying while doing that.
After 3 seizures he is supposed to recive a pill prescribed by his doctor.
I gave him that pill about 6 or 7 seizures ago.
Why the hell doesnt the world make medicine that works?
All I want is for my brother to be able to sleep through the night like anyone else.... I honesly could care less that I have to work in 6 hours and havent slept yet... I know that when I want to sleep I will be able to. I dont have to worry about having a seizure inturpt me peaceful nights sleep.
He does.
So I'm going to pray one more time, and I really hope that God answers it. I mean I know I'm not the most religuous person, but I do believe that there is a God and that when you are really down or in need of help... he will listen to what you tell him or ask of him... even if he doesnt answer how you want him to... even thought I realllllly want him to have jimmy have no more seizures.
So; PLEASE GOD! He has gone through enought tonight and he needs to rest. I would not be so scared if he hadnt had some just a few days ago but I'm am getting really worried at how close they and now and I want him to be able to go months without having even one seizure... but for now just please keep him safe and relaxed for this rest of the morning/day... please. Dont even do this for me, but for jimmy... I know you know what kind of shape hes in right now and I know you dont like to see people in pain. Please! I love my brother with literally all of my heart and soul and I want nothing but the best for him. Even if leaving him relaxed for the night means leaving me getting sick or not being able to sleep... i dont care. Take care of Jimmy, please.
This is the realest blog I have ever written... so who ever reads this...please dont judge me.
This is what I really go through and what i deal with more than anyone should.
But, thank you for reading is.... I know this would be the one place that would listenin to what is going on in my head.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

General Update...

Its been a while, i know. So i guess you all might want to know whats new, whats been goin on since well.... February. Heres the dish:

I applied for college in March to the following schools:
University of Maine at Farmington.
Southern Maine Community College.
Cape Fear Community College.
Unversity of North Carolina at Charl0otte.
I am very happy to say i was accepted to all of them. At first I was pretty sure i wanted to go to UMF. I looked at it in my second year of high school and i fell in love with it. Then after attending Accecpted Students day... I realized i just wasnt as in love as I thought i was. After going to Wilmington i knew that i needed to go to North Carolina. It was so lovely and everyone was so nice. They weather was 100 time better than here in Maine. Not that Maine is like horrible, but once youve been here for 18 years you either know you never need to leave... or that you deffinitly have to explore other places to grow. (if that made any sense at all)
Long story short, in May late April i was finnally accecpted to UNCC and thats where i'll be going starting January 11, 2010.
I graduated high school June 7th 2009. It felt so good to finally accomplish 13 years of school, including kindergarten. I marched with one of my best friends Kc and the rest of or freinds marched around us. I was in the second row, so i got my depolma very soon after speechs ended. After graduation pictures were taken and then i was off to project grad. Talk about a lame place hahaha. We were drivin to a bowling alley like way up in Lewiston. We were promise that we were not going to go bowling but, looks like that lied. I guess it wasnt totally lame. We got a shit ton of free food, and free money to play the little video games and stuff. Plus galactic bowling with blaring music! wooo! lol. So yeah after that summer was just summer, all i have really done is worked.
I have gone to Canobie once, seen my whole family about four times, and have not gone swimming yet. Of course if last week had never happend maybe a few more things could have happend.
On July 6th my great grandfather died. Most of the time people arnt really close with a distant relitive like a great granparent... but i knew him well. It was such a sucker punch for my whole family. Then on July 7th we found out that July 11th by brother would be getting shipped to Afghanistan. Even bigger blow. Things have been very sad around here, but we are all thinking positive. I'm really hoping that something great happens soon. It would totally make everyones day.
I guess thats all I really have right now. Until next time, thanks for checkin me out.

Amber :)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Ugh Taxes!

You know being young is supposed to have perks... like parents takin care of you, school being planned out for you, you get rides anywhere you want, you can play on the playground without bein looked at wierd.. and you know... once you hit 18, it stops.

Rides? haha i need a lisence first off... i HATE bummin rides off people.
Parental Guidence? I still live with mommy n daddy so i guess im still gettin some perks.
School? hahaha BIGGEST LAUGH! im going to spend more money in four years than i have in these first 18.
Playground... well i dont really wanna play there any more any way... but if i did.. those little kids would totally hate.

And one thing i didnt mention, (but you may have gotten from the title,) TAXES!
This is my first year dealing with taxes and im not going to lie.... i reallllly am not a fan of them lol. For one thing, even if you getting money back... you need to pay the people who helped you soo really.. ur not getting that much in return. But idk.. i could just be nieve? (agian i can not spell.) Hopefully the older i get the easier this will become...

So i know i dont have any followers yet.. but please if you have any advise one taxes or colleges... fallow me so you can comment me and let me know! i only get the freshman college expeirence once you kno... well i mean i only get the first Freshmen thingy once... psh!

Anyway, thanks for reading... if anyone did.


Monday, February 23, 2009

How Do I Start This?

Hmm, blogging.... not gunna lie... its new to me.

So, I've read blogs before, and from what I take... its like advise/journal/opinion/news type things?
K good. I guess I should just start with telling you about me.

I am Amber, Mae is my middle name... hense AMBER MAE as my display name. I currently reside in Maine but I would loooove to move down to Wilmington North Carolina. I recently went down there to check out UNCW and to tour Screen Gems/Locations where my FAVORITE! show One Tree Hill was/is filmed. Actually that's how I found out about this blog, I went here and checked out Southern Gothic Productions.... a new production group what happens to be partly founded by Hilarie Burton, (whose my FAVORITE! actress on One Tree Hill.) BLAH! So any way... yeah thats how this whole blog thing came about.

I am young. In fact as of tomarrow, I will be 18 years old for one week offically. Normally being 18 means huge parties, buyin' butts, porn, n lotto tickets. Well, funny fact, I dont have a state ID? So that means... being 18 is just like being any other age. But it really doesnt bother me that much considering I dont smoke or watch/read porn. So really the only thing that bites is that I can't gamble! haha....

Well, I think this may be good enough for my FIRST post... I think tomarrow I'll fill all in who want to know about my trip to Wilmington.

Thankssss x]]
--Amber Mae
ps... i cant spell. =]